Affinity or Coincidence?
Sunday, September 24, 2006
As the title goes, I really question the people that I met is purely by coincidence or is there a kind of affinity that is linking our paths to cross each over.
The course that I undertake in Polytechnic is a limited vacancy slots, even after four to five years, it still maintaining the same situation till they change the title. Me being in the first batch course student, many a few times I was enquired about if I know xxx student from the course...
Then in the many places that I worked or freelanced I encountered the following list.
DMSE - 1st batch: n x person from other classes (names that I heard but not familiar with them...)
DMSE - 2nd batch: 1 x person
DMSE - 3rd batch: not yet to meet one
DMSE - 4th batch: 1 x person
DMSE - 5th batch: 1 x person
So I'm surprise that with each batch of about two or three hundreds over students, I can chance upon one from each batch to even form a link.
Yo any 3rd batch DMSE student to help me form up the missing link?
Author: sins » Comments:
Cinema Ethnics
Saturday, September 23, 2006
This afternoon I went to watch The Banquet. During the show there were so many disruptions that I really wonder if Singaporean really knows cinema ethnics. For the most simple thing you could do is to turn your mobile phone to silent mode. During the show, there were two buzzs from different mobile phones, what a spoilter.
I find the show a bit slow pace, and maybe that is why I can see a lot of people walking in and out of the theatre. Not too sure if they are going out to take phone call or went to the loo, but it's definitely more than the amount that I compare to those English movies.
The chinese paper movie critics were comparing this show to the famous Shakespeare story "Hamlet". Pretty much similar, a pitiful prince who's father (the king) got murdered and wanted to claim revenge on the ouster. However in the show, I couldn't feel any of the excited plot or any scene that arouse my attention. Yes, beautiful scenery, classic sword fighting and pretty actress but the story needs more solid weaving, much of it you have to also think deeper a bit to link up the missing pieces itself.
Maybe I am comparing the prince too much to the script of Hamlet, whereby I remember reading in my secondary school simplified Literature that he is such a pitiful fellow. But this show, I probably don't feel that the prince pitiful, can't felt his hatred towards his father's murderer, can't felt his hatred towards the woman who he loved and became his step mother and empress twice...
Author: sins » Comments:
Blog Marketing
Friday, September 15, 2006
Advertisement time hehe...thought it might be fun to help advertise a bit about friends' online stuffs... Here we go:
1) For the month of Mooncake Festival, brought by the sweet loving R. and GF, tasty mooncake from Eatery Palace for your tongue savoury! Try and munch the different Teochew style yummy yam mooncake! [Visit Store]
2) Anime collectibles for those avid fans of japan manga and anime. Carries a range of collectibles from past childhood characters to current popular item. [Visit Site]
It's good to be a girl, theme of an ex-colleague newly published blog selling hand made accessories. Going by the theme, of course it is for the ladies, then again, guys might want to check out and get something unique for your girlfriends? [Visit Store]
Author: sins » Comments:
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Lately not in a mood to write too much...perphaps obessed with my Chinese novel that is 42 epsidoes long that I be slowing reading it online. However I want to blog about the Army Half Marathon/Sheares Bridge Run that took place a week ago.
Early morning, Neo, Robin and GF and us were to meet at Raffles Place MRT station. As we will be running, I want to run light and so carried minimal stuffs. A simple pouch that contains couple of tens dollar notes and the ez-link card is what I brought to the run. However the main focus that I be discussing is on Mobile Phone.
The invasion of mobile phone seems a commonly useful device in our daily life. Anytime of the day or night, as long as the person have a mobile phone, you are just one call away from him. Especially running for appointment, the most common SMS or phone call receives will be "Sorry I be late for about xx mins..".
And so the few people of us on that day morning did not brought mobile phone to run. All of us turned up punctually! That was when I think to myself, if we were to do away with mobile phone, will we be able to return back to the old days where people are more punctual? Where people won't just take the excuse of "hey i b abit late, I meet you somewhere else" or "You go ahead first, I catch up with you"...etc.
But the thing about punctuality it comes from a person's consciencious. Mobile phone just bring about the convience of informing people about the unforeseen delay that makes them unable to turn up on time.
Author: sins » Comments: