The thief who stole my father plant...
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I hate thieves...can't believe actually a thief would want to steal my father's plant. Such a big pot of shui liu plant the thief actually bothered to carry it away. Last week before I went out I just noticed the flowers juz blossom and with a nice bloom. Haven't even have to chance to view the nice scene and this stupid thief steal the scene away. Curse that stupid thief, hope he will have his offence caught behind bar one day.
ohh..plant got stolen ahh??
my parent's plant also genna a lot of once even went all around to spy for the stolen plant!!!
last time hor..the stinky ah nei building sweeper, stole my nikes (ACG) it from australia. my dad saw him reach his hand through the gate took it and ran. no point chasing.
Yah this time plant kanna stolen, the last time was my bro's bike, but the thief now serving his term at the changi chalet :P
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