Gone with the wind
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Mar 09 marks the month of bidding goodbyes. Death is such a hard word, bidding (forever) goodbyes sounds more gentle. Suddenly during one week there have been influxes of colleagues' parent/grandparent passing away one after another. And that just yesterday got news of a ex-colleague which though I do not know of well passed away in his sleep. And last and not least, my father's pet our parrot passed away this morning 11am plus. Seems that recruitment in the underworld has started and intaking a lot of people.
Dedicating this blog to her, a long lived parrot and smart one. Live to a ripe age of 32, by parrot standard benchmark an average parrot life span is 20-25. Though at times you might loud noisy and I don't understand what you want, you have been a good joy giver and house care taker. When stray birds flew into our house you will call out and not to forget cockroaches.
Hope you will find a new life on the other side of the world.
Labels: Biddings, Goodbye
Author: sins » Comments:
Nanjing Trip Recap
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Went along with a pal to Nanjing during the New Year and was wanting to write and post photos up for a while le, but haven't got a chance to settle down. Even now, here's a short brief of it :)
Nanjing Trip Itineary - Here goes.
Day 1 :-
12pm: Train from Shanghai to Nanjing, reach NJ around 2.30pm
2.30pm: From train station take the MRT to hotel, check in.
3.30pm: Tour around the outskirt of Xuanwu Lake, just nice walk down to a temple
5pm++: Jimingsi Temple (鸡鸣寺), in time for a prayer/offering for a start of the year!
6pm+: Proceed to Qinhuai River, visited Confucious Temple, Wuyi Alley, Qinhuai River. Too cold to take the boat but since CNY is around the corner great festive spirit of lanterns
7.30pm+: Dinner @ Qinhuai River and proceed back to hotel for rest
11pm: Got rallied to visit the pub bar street called 1912. Restored place from the old western residence style, nice alley. Drink to head spinning and left back for zzzz.

Day 2:-
11am: Late morning start up, decided to visit the Ming Emperor Tomb and Zhongshan Ling (Resting place of Father of China Sun Yatsen)
12.30pm: From public transport reach Ming Emperor Tomb, bought join ticket to visit both places. Fatal mistake not to have lunch in the city since this outskirt hill doesn't offer lunch canteen :(
1pm: Started the trip to explore Ming Emperor Tomb, huge place!
3pm: Proceed to explore Zhongshan Ling. 392 steps to climb to reach to the top to view the resting place of Father of China. That's a 20 storey high building equavilent, omg!
4pm: Down the steps, unfortunately lost my tickets, cannot proceed to visit the other tourist spots and pagoda temple on the same spot :(
5pm: Take public tourist bus to visit the President House, unfortunately it's closing hour now! Argh. Rest & break around 1912.
6pm: Dinner at Xinjiekou, shopping heart of Nanjing.
9pm: Rest relax @ hotel, too tired.

Day 3:
11am: Late start again - brunch at Xinjiekou.
1pm: Visited the President residence, this time it's open. It's also home to many office in olden days - 江南两江总督,太平天国emperor palace...
3pm: Teak break time, weather on 3rd day was colder and gloomy than first 2 dayss.
4.30pm: Foot massage and there after ready to take train back SH.
Trip photo view here
Author: sins » Comments:
Happy 牛 Year!

Author: sins » Comments:
Let's welcome the bull!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
As the ox years come nearer, I am also closer to going home!
However with this year reading the news around bring gloomy news of economic recession, export contraction...Although I am oversea working the news that I read of SG having -5 to -2% GDP growth is not positive at all. But one thing I am for sure is that we will be able to turn negative to positive in a shorter time.
United we stand we should be able to tide over such dull session as what we have been doing before.
Early wish for a Happy Chinese New Year! May the bull brings us all a bright & prosperous year ahead!
* will post my Nanjing trip photos up when I am back in SG.
Labels: Greeting, Singapore
Author: sins » Comments:
'Meh' enters English dictionary
Monday, November 17, 2008
LONDON - 'MEH", a word which indicates a lack of interest or enthusiasm, became the latest addition to the Collins English Dictionary on Monday.
The word, which beat hundreds of other suggestions from members of the public, will feature in the 30th anniversary edition of the dictionary, which is to be published next year.
Though the word apparently originates from North America, Collins said it was now widely used on the Internet, and was increasingly seen in British spoken English. [More...]
Isn't it because sg use more?
I guess from now on, it's common to use 'meh'?
Labels: dictionary, english, language, Meh
Author: sins » Comments:
Giant Drop
Friday, November 14, 2008

Colleague going to visit Australia around end of the month. Australia always remind me of my little fortunate trip that I have from my NS time. And while introducing the different places at Gold Coast, the three worlds immediately came to my thought. Of course the most notorious ride of all - the Giant Drop still never fails to wipe out from my memory.
Free fall time is 5 seconds.
The cruise to the top takes approximately 90 seconds.
Falling 120 metres is the equivalent of falling from a 39-storey building.
Based on the above, I can't believed that I did this ride before. The 5 second drop has been the most thrilling ride that I ever have - after it stopped on the ground, I still remember I haven't shake off the dropping experience. On top, I have a bird eyes view of the city, the tallest buildings are under my feet!
Comparing now and then I think if I will to go and select a theme park now I will want to visit the Sea World and see the dolphins and fishes. While they also have those rides, I do not think they will be that wild and fearless as compared to the Dream World. The last that I tried these rides at Suzhou amusement park I started to wonder if age have already catch up...
Labels: Amusement, Australia, Dream World, Theme Park
Author: sins » Comments:
Real Life Pickpocket Scene
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Pickpockets - I finally seen the Xinjiang thieves in action last Saturday when I am walking towards the train station. Facing directing the Ah Yi (aunty) who was cycling in her bicycle with her handbag hanging by her hip near to the side of the road, it invited 2 Xinjiang thieves to sneak behind her. This one young chap 20+ sneak quietly behind her bicycle and went to start unzipping her handbag quietly. I was like wow, this act happening live in front of my eyes and wondering if I should give hint or what to the Ah Yi.
Another thought comes to me that if I hint in very obvious way, I might then be inviting myself for a bash by these 2 Xinjiang-ers and that from colleagues stories there might be some more ambushing in the background. Such hard act - to hint or keep quiet...
It didn't take long for a decision to happen. For the Ah Yi find something unusual and turn her head around (maybe it's me staring too long to the guy direction) and then started to ask "hey what you doing". Think she still haven't realised the whole situation yet. Seeing that the act kind of failed the Xinjiang-er like couldn't do much while the Ah Yi quickly cycle off. As for me I also quickly dash across the road seeing that the road is empty. In any case they might want to blame me if things failed I still have the traffic as a hurdle.
Thereafter I didn't turn my back to see as it might invite them to think further or what, so I continue to walk as usual for the next 100m till outside of KFC. There I stopped and pretend to wait for friend while scouting their image to see if they will still be lingering around. And obviously the answer is yes, they continued to prey for their next victims...sigh. Therafter I went off to meet my friend for lunch.
Xinjiang-ers nothing much good reputations about them throughout the cities of China. The local have marked them like this -> either they are satay stick sellers by the road (something decent) or they are pickpocket! Pickpocket wise can be as young as small boys of seven or eight years old. According to the locals, the police can't really do much about them. At most they will send them back when they are caught red-handed as there is a law protection against this "minority" group. Such halo protection, I wonder if it do more good or harm since their reputation has much been tarnish by pickpocketing...
Labels: China, Pickpocket, Shanghai, Xinjiang
Author: sins » Comments:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Yesterday went for 拔罐! First time that I tried this method of reliefing my cold qi inside my body. Have been having cold and nose block for a long while, and saw another colleague who had even worse nose block got better the next weekend when she went for this method. So miraclely I thought to myself and decided to give it a try.
The whole process was short like 15 minutes and wasn't painful. When the cup was on the body it feels like having a vaccum suck onto your body. During the process I can really feel some of the cold qi out of my body, especially my one sided nose block got cleared off immediately after the process completed. That night I have the most wonderful sleep, as all the previous nights are plagued by the nose block.
The only post-threatment effects is that you got this cup marks on your body. If the mark is extreme purplish, that means you have intense cold qi in your body while extreme red means you are heaty. I have purplish mark with 1-2 extreme purple mark on my left shoulder and middle of back. A week after the treatment, I am now recovering from this very tradditional healing process.
This week has been an hectic weeks with friends who came in and out and also our design interns from TP went back. Write about them another time.
Labels: China, Chinese Medicine, Cupping
Author: sins » Comments: